Sexual Health
Sexuality is an important piece of our health that is sometimes overlooked. There are both physical and psychological things that can affect a woman's ability to enjoy sex. Some common concerns are:
Sexual pain (called dyspareunia) with intercourse or vaginal stimulation
Decreased libido, lack of interest in sex or sexual activity
Sexual arousal - difficulty becoming aroused or lack of response to sexual stimulation
Inability or very difficult time reaching orgasm
All women go through periods where they are just "not in the mood" but if the problem persists, it can affect a woman's sense of well-being. Psychological and emotional issues such as anxiety and depression can effect sexuality, as well as poor body image, religious and cultural influences.Physical conditions that can interfere or reduce pleasure and satisfaction can include vaginal infections, surgeries and childbirth.
Hormones play a big role in keeping us balanced and this includes our sex life. Estradiol, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA and thyroid are good examples of hormones that influence our sex drive.
There is now a medication for women with low libido called Addyi.
According to their website, Addyi is indicated for the treatment of premenopausal women with acquired, generalized hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) as characterized by low sexual desire that causes marked distress or interpersonal difficulty and is NOT due to:
A co-existing medical or psychiatric condition,
Problems within the relationship, or
The effects of a medication or other drug substance.
For more information on Addyi visit their website at
Hopefully you have a good relationship with your healthcare provider and you can discuss these concerns with her. It is not uncommon for couples to seek help from a counselor or therapist who specializes in sexuality and sexual problems. For more information on women's sexuality check out this